Established in 2003, CAG is made up of consumer stakeholders appointed from across the health and disability sector, who act as a "sounding board" for HDC's work. CAG members are selected for their ability to highlight health and disability service consumer concerns from their communities.
The current group is made up of members with different lived experiences, from a range of backgrounds and ethnicities, and living in different parts of Aotearoa.
On Thursday 21 March 2024, the Consumer Advisory Group were bestowed the Ingoa Māori ‘Whakawaha’.
Ki te waha i ngaa iwi
Ki te waha i te tikanga
To advocate for all people
To advocate for what is right.
Whakawaha were bestowed this ingoa Māori to recognise the importance of their mahi. “Whakawaha” – Whaka - Action (prefix), Waha - Advocate – to represent the voice they provide.